Hot Dough: Hollywood: Take Notes From The Walking Dead
Your heart's pounding. You are freaking out as you are reading this blog post. "SOMEONE GIVE ME A MIRACLE OR MY BOYFRIEND'S GOING TO DUMP ME!!" you scream to yourself (yes, I can hear you from here). First, he's not going to dump you. Second, fear not, 'cause "Asian"-man (da-dada-daa!...yah, I know, corny) has got you covered!
Why the Following 4 Ideas
Asian men have long been marginalized by Western mainstream media as weak, effeminate, asexual, and unattractive, among other things. Western mainstream media outlets also continually undermine many different Asian cultures. The perpetuation of these negative stereotypes and inaccurate cultural portrayals seep into many people's minds, ingraining in them the idea that these representations of Asian men and their culture are accurate. Asian men, in turn, must try to refute these misconceptions and prove their worth in society, or risk losing out on opportunities.
Despite the negativity that surrounds your boyfriend, you can show him your appreciation of his culture, and empower him as a person. The following are 4 inexpensive, time-saving, and thoughtful ideas that you can put into action and make it seem like you poured your heart and soul into Valentine's Day!

1. Food
Tease your boyfriend's taste buds by whipping up his favorite dish from his Motherland, whether it is Chinese Fried Rice, Adobo with rice, Sushi with Miso Soup, Murgh Kari with rice, or Bibimbap with a side of rice (we can't get enough of rice!!).Why: There's a saying that goes something like this: "the key to an Asian man's heart is food from his ethnic group cooked by his significant other". OK, I kind of made that up. But don't be fooled by your boyfriend's physique. We may be ripped from head to toe, but we love to eat (especially rice)!! Don't believe me? Go ahead and tally the percentage of Asian Yelpers. Yah, go on.
To do: Find a simple Asian recipe, gather the ingredients, put an apron on, fire it up, and surprise your boyfriend with an ethnic meal when he comes home from work. And don't forget the rice!
Cost: Depending on the meal, it should cost less than ordering a three-entree meal from Panda Express.

2. Adventures
Validate the livelihood of your fiancé's culture by taking him on a date night to his town (e.g., Chinatown, Koreatown, Japantown, etc.).Why: Just by window-shopping the establishments that are brought in from my Mother country, I feel like I'm sharing a part of me with my significant other. What's more special than sharing a part of my culture with the person I love?
To do: Take a bus or car ride into town, take a stroll along the street, and ask your fiancé about things around town that may relate to his culture, or ask him to share his childhood stories.
Cost: $1.25/person for a bus ride (depending on the bus and if you have student discounts), and $5 for a car ride and the damn meter.

3. Movies
Empower your spouse by watching movies with him that portray Asian men in an attractive light and that showcase more accurate depictions of his ethnic background.Why: As an Asian man, I feel significantly more appreciated and acknowledged when celebrating my people and my culture.
To do: Become a Netflix member, or stream free movies on Hulu, Crackle, or YouTube.
Cost: $7.99/mo for Netflix. Free for Hulu, Crackle, and YouTube.
Movies I enjoy: The Walking Dead TV Series, The Raid: Redemption, Extraction (on Crackle), Slumdog Millionaire, Ip Man Series, Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale, The Tower, War of the Arrows, Shanghai Kiss, Mulan (don't judge ;)), any K-drama movies

4. Gifts
Give your lover the gift of fashion to make other men envious, and make the females eye him from Fedora to Loafer over his sexiness.Why: An Asian man's style challenges others' perspectives of him. And you get other women jealous of you, too!
To do: Look for a come-up at local thrift stores like the Salvation Army, Goodwill, or DSW.
Cost: $0-$20 (I sport three like-new blazers for no more than $20, all from thrift stores. Like Macklemore says, "One man's trash, that's another man's come-up".)
What's in It for You?
So, there you have it, ladies. Ideas that can make your Asian man feel extra special! It may offer you a new learning experience, and you might receive a special something in return! *Wink wink* *Nudge nudge* It's not V-Day for no reason!Now, go get 'em, Tiger Mamas! OK, just kidding on that one. But seriously though. GO FOR IT!!